Twenty Years Younger



What would it be like to fully experience yourself as 20 years younger than your current age? 
What would you be newly hungry for that perhaps you’ve taken off your internal dream-board? 
What unhelpful stories would you need to let go of?

Twenty Years Younger - 
How would your body feel and look? 
What would you be learning and creating on a daily basis?
What would your level of life-passion be like? 
How much more freely would you be adventuring in the world? 
What would you allow yourself to dream for and start taking action around? 
How would you visualise your future? 
What would you start to build?

Keeping in place everything that you’ve learned and experienced over the past two decades, how would you like to be in a position of a having a far longer and more fascinating road ahead of you? 

The purpose of this live, online 6 Week Workshop Event (especially for women of 40 plus) is to pick you up from your present situation and reposition you with an extra twenty productive and energized years of life. (75 mins every Sunday at 7pm UK time, Sunday 12th May - Sunday 16th June). Declare this your season of transformation! Massively decide in your own favour. 

  1. Feel and act from a far younger place while keeping all you've learned and experienced.

  2. Turn back the clock on the physical and mental aspects of aging and keep in that fresher, on-fire reality as you grow.

  3. Get yourself to a place where you can imagine and start acting as the person you'll be in the outstanding life you'll be living 20 years from now. Train the world to treat you as this higher-level person.

Together over six weeks we’ll be disrupting the cultural and individual conditioning that causes so many people to feel far less ambitious, capable, desirable, aspiring and excited at 40 or 60 than they did at 20 or 30. 

This isn't about aging gracefully or disgracefully, it's about refuting entirely the concept of your brain, body or any aspect of your life becoming diminished as the years advance. It's about being your most youthful self, immediately, while also powerfully reimagining and designing yourself as someone who is instant on growing more brilliant, more life-creative, stronger, more delighted, and more fulfilled in every aspect of life (which automatically adds to your longevity).

"No one can avoid aging, but aging productively is something else."
Katharine Graham.

We are taking this a step further again, so you can advance not just productively but with outlandish audacity, where you start to roll the years back as you roll your dream life forward.

The course is created using the expertise of Robert Sapolski, Elaine N Aron, Norman Doidge, David Eagleman, Clarissa Pinkola Estes, David Epstein, Michael A. Singer, and many others. 

You’ve been through too much to not capitalize on your years of experience. This is about creating a radical reset, ensuring an elite future with no compromise, maximizing what you’ve got and reimagining your future free of the weight of society's predictions or your own current feelings of disappointment around what has and hasn’t happened so far.

Magical thinking is that notion that somehow something or someone will come along to rescue you or elevate you to that next level that you recognise as yours. Magical thinking has a sell-by date, usually creeping up in the form of a dull dread and waking in the early hours gripped with life anxiety. The only cure for not being fully in the game is to redesign the game fully in your favour. 

What’s the alternative to taking charge? What does it look like when you compromise on your future self?

Watching endless videos on biohacking, stocking up on luxury serums, swapping pictures of flamboyantly dressed octogenarians with your best friend with the message ‘Haha, this will be us!’, complaints about joint pain or fat rolls, wishing you'd paid more (or anything) into your private pension fund, nostalgia fest with your high school friends who you see only once a year, memes about Colonel Sanders that no longer inspire, considering the oldies fitness class in the village hall…

Surely, SURELY there's MUCH more to your next few decades than this.

Let's ensure that you set up your current life so that you'll automatically arrive into the 2030s, 2040s, 2050s and beyond with a structure that will support your needs at the highest level - This isn't just a second chance at life, this is how to have a second life.


First comes to decision that your Glory Days are ahead of you. Our culture so heavily buys into the image of growing older as growing weaker, stupider, less relevant, less innovative, less powerful, less likely to experience wealth, love and adventure, so that the idea of future life-creativity starts to look like crocheted tea cosies and perhaps a bright scarf added rakishly to a dated, schoolmarm type outfit. You know you want more than this. 

It’s time to seize your power, take your destiny strategically into your own hands and redefine your lived reality.

Six Sunday Night Sessions

BRAIN CHANGE: Mindset, neurology and genius. Your brain is different than it was twenty years ago and this has both its plusses and minuses. You’ll be learning about your changing brain so you won’t give into a slide into mediocrity, but strengthen your processing skills to be sharper and faster with a more agile memory and more available circuitry for problem solving and mastering new skills such as technology, trading and languages. 

FASTLANE MONEY: You can no longer rely on decades of accumulation through compounding but you can claim back those wealth building years that were lost to you through no fault of your own. People from any age can take themselves (and millions have done so) from a standing start to financial freedom in five years or less. No matter what mistakes you've made, what the markets took or what you failed to do, you can turn it around in the next five years or less without having to make high-risk moves. Based on FIRE movement and other rapid growth models and principles.

BODY EXTRAORDINAIRE: The physical body, the organs, cells, looks and grooming. More than a lecture on eating your veggies, getting to bed early and taking supplements, we will be looking at your body as the energetic operating system for everything you need to get done and optimizing it so that road ahead is vastly more pleasurable. We will also be looking at transforming your body’s aesthetics, finally having the face and form that you wished you’d been enjoying before now. 

LOVE & PASSION: Whether you are currently in a committed love relationship that’s quite fulfilling, or unfulfilling, or harmful, or nonexistent - you deserve to have your ideal person beside you, with both of you showing up to a really high standard of love, passion and support. This needs to be designed differently when you’re no longer in your 20s or 30s. Learn what the pitfalls and the upsides are and how to design and communicate your needs to maximize this vital part of life. 

CAREER & MISSION: Spend your days doing what you actually want to do with the best people, in the best way, getting the ideal result. This entails getting real with yourself and seeing that there are more ways to get it done than standard practices suggest. If you think that what you’ve been doing is what you’ll always be doing then you’re in for a profound realization and a deeply satisfying adventure. 

LEGENDARY STATUS: Your position in the world and in history. Based on philosopher Hegel’s idea of the World-Historical Individual, building out a legacy that will have impact and give value long beyond your physical years. This is the only way to never die. Once you’re clear on the importance of what you’re committing to in this lifetime, all of the nagging doubts disappear completely. 

Let’s do this. 
Just so you know, I’m about to celebrate my 56th birthday and am fitter, healthier and more on fire for life than ever before.

Judymay Murphy 

75 mins per session, 6 sessions in total. 
7-8.15pm UK time
Sunday 12th May - Sunday 16th June
The recording goes out immediately following the live training session.